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LSD Use in Different Cultures

LSD is illegal in most areas of the world because of its harmful effects. This psychedelic drug can cause such grand delusions and horrific hallucinations that it may create a harmful – possibly even deadly – situation for both the user and anyone near them. Nonetheless, LSD abuse continues around the world.

About 230 million people (5 per cent of the world’s adult population) are estimated to have used an illicit drug at least once in 2010. Problem drug users number about 27 million, which is 0.6 per cent of the world adult population.1

Among young adults (15-34 years), lifetime prevalence estimates of LSD use in Europe range from zero to 5.5 %.2

Polydrug Abuse Is Now Common in Many Subcultures

A growing association exists between the use of LSD and other synthetic drugs – often together with alcohol – and attendance at nightclubs and dance events, according to a 2011 European Union report. The result is significantly higher levels of use being reported among young people, and exceedingly high levels of use being found in some settings or specific sub-populations.2

All Attempts to Control Drug Abuse Show Limited Effectiveness

Differences in the prevalence of drug use are influenced by a variety of factors in each country. As countries with more liberal drug policies (such as the Netherlands) and those with a more restricted approach (such as Sweden) have not very different prevalence rates, the impact of national drug policies (more liberal versus more restrictive approaches) on the prevalence of drug use and especially problem drug use remains unclear.

However, comprehensive national drug policies are of high importance in reducing adverse consequences of problem drug use, such as HIV infections, hepatitis B and C and overdose deaths – not to mention the undermining effect that drug abuse has on nations’ economic and social development and its contribution to crime, instability and insecurity.3

The World Is Uniting to Combat Drug Abuse and Related Crime

International cooperation builds to help countries around the world respond to the threat of drug abuse and related crime, primarily through the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. To confront these challenges, both supply and demand need to be reduced. There is growing recognition that treatment and rehabilitation of illicit drug users are more effective than punishment.

Of course, this does not mean abandoning law enforcement activities; instead, the supply and demand sides need to complement each other. This means balancing our efforts against drug trafficking with alternative development programs for farmers and helping drug users to be rehabilitated and reintegrated into society.1

LSD Abuse by High Schoolers Found Highest in the U.S.

While regular use of hallucinogenic and dissociative drugs in general has remained relatively low in recent years, a 2011 study reported that the United States ranks first among 36 nations in the proportion of high school students ever using LSD or other hallucinogens in their lifetime (6 percent versus 2 percent in Europe).4

In an earlier study, the percentage of seniors reporting LSD use at least once over the course of the prior year nearly doubled from a low of 4.4% in 1985 to 8.4% in 1997 – a year when 13.6% of seniors also confessed to experimenting with LSD at least once in their lives. A subsequent 2008 report indicated that about 3.1 million people in the U.S. between the ages of 12 and 25 had used LSD.5

As Is True for Other Drugs, Abuse of LSD Calls for Professional Help

LSD is the most powerful hallucinogenic (reality-distorting and mind-altering) drug available today. It is 100 times more potent than hallucinogenic mushrooms and 4000 times stronger than mescaline.5

If you or someone you love is using LSD, help should be sought immediately. Outcomes are typically unfavorable when tackling such issues alone. The guidance and support of specialists and staff at a quality LSD rehab center can bring greater success in less time with the minimal amount of pain and distress.

We specialize in treating LSD abuse and addiction, and we are very good at it. When you call our 24/7 toll-free line, a compassionate, encouraging team member will provide you with helpful information and positive options. We can even assist you in determining how much your insurance coverage will pay.

LSD is a serious drug, and LSD use should not be left untreated. So call now to receive the support you need to begin the healing process. We care…one person at a time.

1“World Drug Report 2012”, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, .

2 “Amphetamines, Ecstasy, Hallucinogens, GHB and Ketamine – Annual Report 2011”, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction,

3 “European Union Data and Policies – An Overview”, Common Sense for Drug Policy, .

4 “How Widespread Is the Abuse of Hallucinogens and Dissociative Drugs?”, National Institute on Drug Abuse,, (February 2015).

5 “The Truth about LSD”, Foundation for a Drug-Free World,