There’s something appealing about a “binge,” about letting go of responsibility and indulging excessively. Yes, something is appealing about it—until you have to face the consequences. What is binge drinking? What are the consequences? These are questions that you should learn the answers to.
Binge drinking isn’t something that should be encouraged. In fact, if you or a loved one indulges, it’s time for a wake-up call. It’s time to get the help you need to put an end to the risks of binge drinking.
Do you need the help of an alcohol rehab center? Call us today at 269.280.4673.
What is Binge Drinking?
Binge drinking is easy to define. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains that binge drinking happens when men drink five or more alcoholic beverages during a short period of time or when women drink four or more alcoholic beverages during the same period. Although this is a clear-cut definition, it isn’t without a little controversy or wiggle room.
Alcohol metabolizes at different rates depending on tolerance, weight, height, and other factors. A tall, heavy person who drinks regularly may be able to have multiple drinks and experience minimal effects. Another person a few barstools down could have the same amount in the same time period and have a hard time walking out the door. Because no two people are the same, it’s difficult to create rules that apply to all people at all times.
The Social Issues Research Centre suggests that a better definition, one that doesn’t rely as heavily on specific amounts and cultural attitudes towards drinking, involves identifying binge drinking by the following:
- Drinking to get drunk and/or losing control
- Drinking primarily to get drunk and making other goals such as socialization secondary
- Drinking as much as possible in a short period of time
All these official definitions can be boiled down to what most of us can see and identify as a drinking binge: The person drinks to get drunk and succeeds in that task. And no matter how you define it (or if you even label it at all), the bottom line is that binge drinking is problematic, and it can be dangerous.
Binge Drinking Patterns
Binge drinking is a huge social issue. The CDC reports the following statistics:
- About 92% of American adults report binge drinking in the past month
- Approximately 90% of alcohol consumed by people younger than 21 is consumed in binge drinking sessions
- About 75% of alcoholic drinks consumed by adults take the form of binge drinking
- Binge drinking is higher among men than it is among women
Physical Health Effects of Binge Drinking
Binge drinking sessions place a high demand on the liver. This organ works hard to remove alcohol from the system. During binge drinking sessions, the liver goes into overdrive to filter out alcohol and rebalance the body. People who binge drink regularly damage their livers. Some of this damage simply cannot be undone. Long-term binge drinking can result in liver disease, heart damage, and other organ damage.
Signs of Binge Drinking and Consequences
The dangers of binge drinking can’t be overstated. Binge drinking can create significant, immediate problems, including:
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
As inhibitions decrease and a sense of invincibility grows, the person may be less inclined to use protection.
Unintended pregnancy. Unprotected sex can have additional long-term consequences.
Broken Bones, Drowning, Or Burns
Drunk people are uncoordinated, have poor judgment, and make bad decisions. They may suffer a wide variety of accidents as a result.
Firearm Injuries, Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
Binge drinking has been linked to an increase in aggression. This can lead to acting out violently or becoming the victim of another aggressor.
Drunk Driving Accidents
People who binge drink are 14 times more likely to drive impaired than are people who do not binge drink. These people could be injured due to their drunk driving, but they could also hurt other people when they climb behind the wheel after a night of binge drinking.
When Do I Need to Help?
People who engage in binge drinking regularly may benefit from a loving and supportive conversation about this behavior. This doesn’t have to involve a formal or overly-emotional intervention. You can talk with an addiction professional about the best ways to have loving but effective conversations about problem drinking.
If your loved one drinks and drives, neglects children or other responsibilities or is violent because of his or her drinking behaviors, this conversation becomes a more urgent need.
Professional support, guidance, and maybe even supervision become more important as well to ensure everyone stays calm and remains on track toward treatment and recovery. During an intervention family and friends can outline the risks of binge drinking. They can point to specific instances where the person’s binge drinking was dangerous or otherwise unacceptable. You can ask your loved one to enter an inpatient program for addiction.
Treatment for Binge Drinking at Skywood Recovery
Inpatient programs typically include medically supervised detox services followed by various forms of counseling. If you notice the signs of alcoholism and act quickly, this level of care may not be necessary. Outpatient care may be a better fit. You or a friend or family member may even benefit from just a short series of therapy sessions with a qualified addiction specialist.
These sessions can help you understand why you binge drink, why it’s dangerous, and how you can stop. Any intervention and treatment can change the course of your or a loved one’s life. By acting now, you can avoid the continued consequences of binge drinking. Call 269.280.4673 or reach out online for help now.