Oxycodone is a commonly prescribed opiate medication used to manage moderate to severe chronic pain. Most people who take the medication for a long period of time will develop a physical dependence upon the drug that is characterized by withdrawal symptoms, however, it is not until psychological dependency develops that addiction becomes an issue.
Whether addiction is present or not, taking oxycodone in doses larger than recommended by a doctor or more frequently than prescribed can result in overdose, and opiate overdose is deadly.
Without treatment, most patients who struggle with oxycodone addiction will die due to the disorder. Contact us at the phone number listed above today to get help if your loved one is living with a dependence upon oxycodone.
Painkiller Addiction
How can you tell if someone you care about is taking their prescription as the doctor ordered or if they are abusing or addicted to their oxycodone pills? Those who are taking their oxycodone prescription as they should DO NOT:
- Write fake prescriptions, steal prescription pads, or alter their prescription so that they can get more pills
- Go to multiple doctors to get multiple opiate painkiller prescriptions for the same disorder
- Often fake losing their pills and needing to go to the ER in order to get an emergency prescription
- Crush their pills before swallowing, snorting or injecting them
- Take pills with other drugs, like marijuana, alcohol or sedatives
- Lie or get defensive about their use of oxycodone when asked
Physical Issues
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the following are some of the physical issues that can develop when oxycodone abuse or addiction is a problem:
- Extreme loss of weight
- Lack of appetite
- Eye sockets that are sunken in
- A sickly or poor complexion
- Chronic constipation
- Feeling nauseous or vomiting
- Twitching, scratching and/or tremors
- Acting as if they are drunk (e.g., slow motor skills, unable to concentrate, overly content, etc.) but with no sign of alcohol us.
Personality Changes
When a dependence upon oxycodone develops, a person’s personality changes. He or she may:
- Spend more time alone
- Prefer to avoid family activities or other activities where they must be active or interact with others
- Show little interest in old hobbies or goals
- Exhibit mood swings or frequently become irritable or nonresponsive
Many people who are addicted to opiate painkillers like oxycodone seem to check out emotionally. They are no longer accessible to loved ones because their primary focus is getting and staying high. They often do not follow through on commitments, value the experience of others, or prioritize anything that doesn’t directly relate to their ability to get more oxycodone.
Additionally, they may steal, lie or commit other acts in the service of getting more pills that they would never have done before the development of the addiction.
Overcome Oxycodone Abuse and Addiction Today
Oxycodone addiction is not insurmountable, no matter what the circumstances surrounding the development of the person’s drug dependence. Medical detox that is supervised by addiction treatment specialists as well as long-term psychotherapeutic intervention can help your addicted loved one to put down the pills today and remain drug-free for the long term.