The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse estimates that up to 4.2 percent of teens and young adults 6.2 million people US have experimented with crack at one point in their lifetimes. These are frightening statistics because crack is a devastating drug that can ravage all aspects of a person’s life.1
Crack is considered one of the most addictive substances that you can buy on the illegal drug market today. Its draw is so strong that it is possible for some people to become addicted after just one use.
Following a “high” from crack, an intense “crash” with an overwhelming depression ensues. This powerful sadness spurs an individual to get another hit of crack in order to find relief. Oftentimes, individuals with a crack addiction are also simultaneously abusing other substances, such as alcohol, powder cocaine, or marijuana, in an attempt to even out the severe depression they feel between uses.
Physical Issues
When an individual with a crack addiction attempts to stop using or is unable to find their next fix, their body will start experiencing withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can be very intense, causing physical pain and discomfort in some individuals.
How long these symptoms last will depend a great deal on how long someone has been addicted to crack, as well as how pure the substance they have been smoking has been.
Someone going through physical withdrawals from crack may experience any of the following:
- Powerful drug cravings
- Broken sleep
- Shaking
- Severe muscle aches
- Nausea
- Vomiting
Psychological Problems
In addition to the physical withdrawal symptoms above, crack also leads to psychological withdrawal symptoms. Many people might think that physical discomfort is the most difficult part of withdrawal from crack. However, the mental anguish is often what drives someone to relapse.
The psychological symptoms from crack withdrawal that may occur are:
- Overwhelming exhaustion
- Suicidal Ideations
- Agitation and frustration
- Nightmares
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Anger
- Lack of ambition
- Psychosis
Finding Safe Help
As a stimulant, crack speeds up all the body’s metabolic processes, but once it wears off, the body has to struggle to re-regulate itself. Crack withdrawal can be both mentally and physically uncomfortable. Luckily, with proper support and treatment, some prescription medications can be offered during the detox process to ease physical and emotional distress. When crack use is suddenly stopped, the body no longer has the stimulant it is dependent on and so the body’s physiological functioning is slowed down below a healthy level.
Individuals undergoing crack withdrawal may suffer decreased heart and respiration rates. This is one of the major reasons – to ensure safety – that medical professionals should supervise detox from crack.
Locating Successful Treatment Programs
If you or someone close to you is battling a crack addiction, you are not alone. An addiction to crack may seem like an insurmountable obstacle, but it can be overcome with proper treatment. We can help you by connecting you with some of the most effective evidence-based crack rehab programs currently available in the United States.
Contact us and we can match you with a quality crack treatment program that meets your individualized needs. Don’t spend one more day traveling down a dead-end path. Call us today at 269.280.4673.
By Kathryn Millán, LPC/MHSP, Contributing Writer
1 National Institute of Health. National Survey of Drug Use and Health. 2017.